
Second International Conference

Tamil Nationhood and Genocide in Sri Lanka

At the end of the 2nd International Conference on Tamil Nationhood and Genocide in Sri Lanka, held in Ottawa from May 5th -7th, 2018, the organizing committee aims to find a sustainable political solution that addresses the national question of the Eelam Tamils, in their traditional homeland in the North and East of the island called Sri Lanka. The genocidal approach continues to be deployed against the Tamil people, setting a dangerous paradigm for the entire world. In accordance with the academic research presented at this conference, the Organizing committee makes the following resolution.

READ FULL Resolutions
முழுமையான தீர்மானங்கள்
Conference Proceeding

Justice for Sri Lanka’s Genocide Against Tamils

Supporting Institutions

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Carleton University

Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, City College, New York

School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design – York University

Supporting Student Organizations

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